Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Open water muppet

Saturday saw me dip my toes and eventually the rest of me into the murky depths of Eastleigh lake.

Myself and my brother David got up at the stupid hour of 6am and looked at each other in disbelief.  As David put it 'hmm, not as though we have to get up really early all week is it?'.  At that time the irony was almost completely lost on me.  The rain was coming down outside and we were both feeling decidedly chilly.  Let's just suggest that motivation was somewhat low.

The pair of us managed to drag ourselves out of the door and made the half hour journey in close to silence.  this was very much a first and nerves were hanging in the air.  As we arrived we saw some fit looking people who looked like they knew what they were doing, which always serves to demotivate.  We checked in with the bloke from Trytri and signed a waiver (always a worry) and headed down towards the lake.  Shiny new wetsuits came out of boxes and we were soon heaving them on and having to get a bit too friendly as we did the others' up and applied some anti-chafe stuff (I know, gorgeous huh.  To necks I hasten to add).

I took the plunge first.  Well, by that I mean I walked delicately into the water and stood around for a bit getting used to it.  it was cold but not crushingly so and the wetsuits do a remarkable job of sealing in the warmth.

I tried a few strokes and realised that there was absolutely no visibility.  the cold also became much more intense as the face went in and I became aware that I wasn't breathing out at all underwater, classic signs of minor panic.  I gathered myself again and forced breaths out on the second occasion, gradually being able to relax and settle into swimming.  David seemed to have got to the same point.

'Come on then, let's go for it,' he said and we set of to try a lap of 350m.  The reality is that it is quite pleasurable once you get going and really nice to swim through water that is not chlorinated.  It is much more tiring though as you are constantly swimming and don't have the security of pushing off the wall every 25m.

We managed to achieve 3 laps and got out feeling pleased with ourselves.  Getting out of wet wetsuits was next and I think there is a huge amount of muppet potential in a race with that particular element.  Two weeks until Dorney Lake and the first open water triathlon.  I am almost looking forward to it....

Triathlon Muppet

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